Use the > and =” and “<=” to find files that are created on or after a given date and on or before a given date. To be helpful, as soon as you type “date:” in the search bar, File Explorer will show a simple calendar so that you can quickly choose the date you need. Just like with the file size filter, you have to use the keyword date: to search files based on date. Other than file size, you can also use the File Explorer’s search bar to find files that are created on, after, or before a certain date. Of course, you can replace “medium” with any option you want.Īlso read: How to Add Google Drive to File Explorer Find Files Based on Date To use the above properties, type size: medium and press Enter. Though you can manually enter the file size as needed, File Explorer has some built-in easy-to-remember pre-defined properties to make things a tad bit easier. You can also use greater than (>) and less than (1GB. Replace “fileSize” with the actual file size, like 100MB.

To find files based on file size, enter size: fileSize in the search bar. To help you with that, File Explorer has a specific filter to find files based on their file size. When your hard disk is filling up, it is time to find all those big files and either delete them or move them to other locations. For instance, a search like ra*.mp3 shows all the mp3 files with the letters that start with “ra.” Find Files Based on File Size Since we are already using the wildcard, if you know part of the file name, you can add it before or after the * symbol. For instance, if you want to find all the MS Word documents on your hard drive, all you have to do is type *.docx in the File Explorer search bar and press the Enter button.

The * in front of the file extension is called a wildcard and helps to ignore the filename. When you want to find files with a specific file extension, then all you have to do is use the *.fileExtension search filter.